Doctoral candidates in the Helmholtz School for Marine Data Science (MarDATA) will be jointly supervised by two professors, who have faculty recognition for doctoral supervision at one of the partner universities. This tandem consists of integrated knowledge and expertise represented by an expert located at GEOMAR or AWI, who will provide the marine research focus to the thesis, and a second expert located at a partner university (Kiel or Bremen) who will lead the information & data science methodologies. Doctoral degrees will be awarded in the field of computer science/informatics/engineering (Dr. Ing.) or natural sciences (Dr. rer. nat.).
Doctoral candidates will be jointly educated among all partners in Kiel and Bremen/Bremerhaven. After receiving a general introduction to marine sciences, block courses will focus on a range of information & data science methodologies: advanced scientific programming, statistics, data bases, machine learning, deep learning, computer vision and FAIR principles. A series of regular seminars and colloquia will ensure the continuous exchange among all partners.
Summer schools will provide an in-depth exchange between information & data science topics and their application to marine research. The use of attractive (international) locations will ensure team-building efforts. Summer schools can be held at one of the research stations of GEOMAR (e.g., Ocean Science Center Mindelo, Cape Verdes), of AWI (e.g., Svalbard, Sylt, Helgoland), or on board a research vessel (e.g. RV Polarstern).
Doctoral candidates will be registered in the existing local postgraduate programmes (ISOS in Kiel, POLMAR in Bremerhaven) providing established supervision through regular committee meetings, a broad range of training courses on scientific expertise, general skills and personal development, career development training and alumni network.
Doctoral candidates will be funded through 3-year contracts of full E13 positions according to the public sector salary system at German universities and research centers.