MarDATA 3rd Cohort
- AqQua - Generating an Aquatic Life Foundation Model
- OceanFuse - Fusion of Physics, Biology, and Computing
- Intelligent underwater monitoring systems combining distributed underwater sensor networks with cloud-based digital twins
- Quantitative risk assessment of climate extremes
- DECODE-ICE - Drivers and Predictability of Antarctic Sea Ice Extremes - A machine learning approach
- SPECBIC - Employing Spectral Radiation for Enhanced Modeling of Biogeochemistry and Carbon Cycling

MarDATA 2nd Cohort
- Attribution of climate events - Exploring methods of explainable AI learn more
- The digital Lab Book: Data lineage and workflow documentation in visual data exploration learn more
- Links between volcanism and climate learn more
- Deep neural networks for the prediction of sediment accumulation at the seafloor learn more
- Neural networks reveal evolving patterns of ocean carbon uptake learn more
- Deciphering ocean currents with neural networks and data mining learn more
- Learning underwater visual appearance for robust seafloor surveys learn more
- Cooperative 2D inversion of seismic texture and CSEM data to delineate hydrogeological parameters of offshore aquifers learn more
- Automated event detection and data-analytics in distributed seafloor sensor networks learn more
- Data and process mining to understand seafloor plate tectonics learn more
- Real-time autonomous hydroacoustic object detection learn more
- Using machine learning to define and characterise 3D ocean regions learn more
- Inverse methods for ice sheet surface elevation changes with an application to West Antarctica learn more
- 4-D Phytoplankton composition from small to large scale by data fusion using AI learn more
- Tracking extended internal stratigraphy in ice sheets from machine learning approaches learn more
- Automated marine data quality control - A machine learning approach
- Paleo Climate reconstruction using multi-fidelity machine learning learn more
- Palaeogenomic networks reveal ecosystem turnover related to sea-ice decline
- Bayesian Chronology Modelling for Paleoclimate Archives learn more
- Digital Ice-Cores; Paleo-Climate reconstruction using Bayesian modeling learn more

MarDATA 1st cohort
- Semantic Seafloor Mapping learn more
- Navigation and Sensor Fusion for Automated Observation and Data Assimilation learn more
- Developing bioinformatic tools for detecting low-frequency genetic variants in large marine (meta)genomic data sets learn more
- A machine-learning approach for detection of mobile replicons in metagenomics learn more
- Development of adapted Kernel Density Estimators for the calibration of marine biogeochemical models learn more
- Automated Testing of Marine Data-Science Applications learn more
- Cross-domain Marine Data Fusion: Discover Knowledge on Open Ocean Oxygen Minimum Zones learn more
- Machine Learning for Petrophysical Predictions learn more
- From Geological Text to Knowledge (GeoTeK): Investigation of scalable text mining methods for discovering and managing marine geological data learn more
- Application of neural networks to chemical systems in earth system modelling learn more
- Machine learning for validation and interpretation of large-scale chemical data in the ocean learn more
- Reactive Control and Adaptive Sampling using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle learn more
- System analysis in climate data learn more
- Monitoring a stressed ice-shelf: Machine learning algorithms to detect icequakes in 20 years of seismological records at Neumayer station, Antarctica learn more
- Machine learning approaches in climate modelling learn more