MarDATA 1st cohort (2019-2022)

MarDATA 1st cohort (2019-2022)


  • Semantic Seafloor Mapping learn more
  • Navigation and Sensor Fusion for Automated Observation and Data Assimilation learn more
  • Developing bioinformatic tools for detecting low-frequency genetic variants in large marine (meta)genomic data sets learn more
  • A machine-learning approach for detection of mobile replicons in metagenomics learn more
  • Development of adapted Kernel Density Estimators for the calibration of marine biogeochemical models learn more
  • Automated Testing of Marine Data-Science Applications learn more
  • Cross-domain Marine Data Fusion: Discover Knowledge on Open Ocean Oxygen Minimum Zones learn more
  • Machine Learning for Petrophysical Predictions learn more
  • From Geological Text to Knowledge (GeoTeK): Investigation of scalable text mining methods for discovering and managing marine geological data learn more


  • Application of neural networks to chemical systems in earth system modelling learn more
  • Machine learning for validation and interpretation of large-scale chemical data in the ocean learn more​​​​​​​
  • Reactive Control and Adaptive Sampling using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle learn more
  • System analysis in climate data learn more
  • Monitoring a stressed ice-shelf: Machine learning algorithms to detect icequakes in 20 years of seismological records at Neumayer station, Antarctica learn more
  • Machine learning approaches in climate modelling learn more


Benson Mbani

Benson Mbani
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

Carola Trahms

Carola Trahms
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

Clara Emery

Clara Emery
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

Dilip J. Hiremath

Dilip J. Hiremath
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

Marina Khachaturyan

Marina Khachaturyan
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

Martin Prinzler

Martin Prinzler
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

Muhammad Asif Suryani

Muhammad Asif Suryani
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

Sonal Rami

Sonal Rami
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

Tim Benedikt Kupke

Tim Benedikt Kupke
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

Yousef Razeghi

Yousef Razeghi
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

Laura Mathieu

Laura Mathieu
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

Maria-Theresia Verwega

Maria-Theresia Verwega
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

Justus Contzen
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA

Helge Mohn
Doctoral Researcher MarDATA